Thursday, 30 September 2010

Every creative leader faces the challenge of building and managing a team. Finding the right folks is half the battle. After you find them, it is your responsibility to manage the team. Great management happens on both a “micro” level and a “macro” level.

Admittedly this is a very early addition and you know f-I will improve the site over the next few months but this looks great!

Project information:

When Joost first came to Fi, they knew what they wanted: A fresh look that preserved Joost's brand while updating the feel and keeping the focus on an uninterrupted video experience for their end users. Joost brought on Fi to take complete control of the design, information architecture and overall strategy behind the redesign. Their goals were a natural fit for Fi's talents so we jumped right in.

The Process

First we experimented with an array of concepts to promote viewership and encourage users to spend more time on the site. We then created a full interactive prototype of the chosen concept which allowed Joost to interact with the new website as their end users would. In the end, Fi completely re-architected the site flow, introduced new community features such as multi-user play lists and removed obstacles to permit the ease of video watching. The updated UI also made it simple and intuitive to perform several tasks on the same page, from watching a video, sharing it with friends and finding additional great videos through browsing or targeted searching.
The Result

As with every project, Fi created a thorough interactive style guide for the redesign and per the request of Joost, also provided custom HTML templates for the new web pages. These assets were then used for reference during the development of the Joost redesign and helped to promote a smoother user experience and boost the Joost brand.

I love this site. With more people experiencing the web on tv and tv on the web, Yes Yes Y’ is one of the first passive experiences online
The site resembles what MTV once represented – a fusion of entertainment and enlightenment!

Enjoy Ads

Aol Phase 02 by Universal Everything

Aol Phase 02 from Universal Everything on Vimeo.

Aol Phase 02 by Universal Everything - so stunning in hurts!

Kraftwerk - Die Roboter

Cool bit of action from Kraftwerk

Lance Armstrong Tour de France 2010 - The End?

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Hello Monday wins the Webby

Great design agency and Hello they win a Webby

Alki1 / Maryellen McFadden photo stream

Alki1 / Maryellen McFadden photo stream. This has some classic examples for Graphic Design.

Child of the Great Depression, member of the Greatest Generation, retired graphic designer, college faculty, vocational instructor, cooperative education placement person, lover of photography and Washington State Parks, eighty two years old.

Lovely collection of Design books

Lovely collection of Design books.

George Lois

Some lovely examples of visual communication through advertising. This was found by a friend and great designer Nathan Teoh

Stunning design portfolio site by Alex Townsend.

A selection of work from multidisciplinary
designer/art director Alex Townsend.

Invaluable insight in to interface design and preparation

Invaluable insight in to interface design and preparation by designer at F-I (Fantasy Interactive)

For more info:

"We have received a lot of emails from concerned people asking about the new that replaced the site we designed. FI has NOT designed or developed the current For reference, the above takes you through what we tediously and proudly designed. According to MTV’s own, the FI-designed site was a clear favorite among their users. Here is our official standpoin""

FontCast #16 — FontFont Type Department—-fontfont-type-department/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+fontfeed+%28The+FontFeed%29&utm_content=FaceBook

Duck Sauce - Barbra Streisand (Official Video / Pre-Order Now / Out 10th Oct)